Returns and Complaints
Povrati i reklamacije
Prodavatelj odgovara za materijalne nedostatke stvari koje prodaje na svojim stranicama sukladno pozitivnim propisima Republike Hrvatske, posebice Zakonu o obveznim odnosima.
Naručeni proizvodi pakirani su na način da se uobičajenom manipulacijom u transportu/dostavi ne oštete. U slučaju da je pošiljka oštećena u transportu, takva su oštećenja vidljiva pri preuzimanju pošiljke, te u tom slučaju sugeriramo da pošiljku Kupac ne preuzima. Molimo Kupce da nas kontaktirate kako bismo u što kraćem roku provjerili stanje pošiljke i poslali novu.
Pri primitku robe provjera ispravnosti narudžbe ovisi o kupcu, te je Kupac dužan da usporedi primljene artikle s računom, ukoliko nešto nedostaje dužan je odmah uputiti pisani prigovor/reklamaciju jer se naknadne reklamacije neće uvažavati.
U slučaju vidljivog nedostatka proizvoda kod preuzimanja pošiljke, Kupac nije dužan dopremljeni proizvod preuzeti, može odbiti primitak, te ne snosi troškove dostave takvog proizvoda.
Smatra se da proizvodi koji su uredno zaprimljeni od strane Kupca nisu imali vidljivi nedostatak. Kupac ima pravo na reklamaciju u odnosu na materijalne nedostatke u rokovima i zbog razloga propisanih odredbama Zakona o obveznim o rokovima.
Kupac može pisani prigovor odnosno reklamaciju uputiti na e-mail, telefonskim putem na broj telefona +385957029603 ili pisanim putem na adresu: Dumbbell d.o.o. , Stanka Vraza 15, 10370 Brckovljani, Hrvatska sa naznakom Reklamacija.
Radi što bržeg utvrđivanja konkretne narudžbe na koju Kupac ima prigovor, u prigovoru se mole Kupci da navedu broj narudžbe.
Kupac ima pravo na opravdani prigovor i na povrat robe u sljedećim slučajevima:
– isporuka robe koja nije naručena
– isporuka robe kojoj je istekao rok trajanja
– isporuka robe koja ima grešku ili oštećenja koja nisu nastala u transportu
Ukoliko proizvod ima skriveni nedostatak (onaj nedostatak koji se nije mogao otkriti uobičajenim pregledom prilikom preuzimanja stvari) što Kupac utvrdi po otvaranju proizvoda – Kupac ima pravo na jednostrani raskid ugovora i povrat novca, zamjenu proizvoda, uklanjanje nedostatka ili sniženje cijene.
Prodavatelj će inače smatrati reklamaciju valjanom ako pregledom proizvoda utvrdi da odgovara uvjetima za reklamaciju sukladno Zakonu o obveznim odnosima i Zakonu o zaštiti potrošača. U tom slučaju će u roku od 15 dana od primitka valjane reklamacije zamijeniti proizvod ili vratiti cjelokupan plaćeni iznos uz raskid ugovora.
Ukoliko, pak, ustanovi da reklamacija nije pravovaljana, tj. ukoliko reklamaciju odbije, o istome će obavijestiti Kupca u roku od 15 dana od dana primitka reklamacije.
Prodavatelj će prihvatiti povrat oštećene, neispravne ili pogrešno isporučene robe o svom trošku, ako se utvrdi da je prigovor opravdan te da Kupac nije utjecao na ispravnost, oštećenje ili bilo kakav nedostatak robe.
U slučaju opravdane reklamacije, trošak zamjene s novim proizvodom u cijelosti snosi Prodavatelj.
U slučaju da Kupac odluči zamijeniti ispravan proizvod, Prodavatelj će izvršiti zamjenu ako je proizvod neoštećen, nekorišten ili mu na bilo koji drugi način nije umanjena vrijednost. U tom slučaju Kupac snosi troškove povrata i ponovnog slanja robe.
The seller is responsible for material defects of the items he sells on his website in accordance with the positive regulations of the Republic of Croatia, especially the Civil Obligations Act.
The ordered products are packed in such a way that they should not be damaged by the usual handling in transport / delivery. In the event that the shipment is damaged in transit, and such damage is visible when picking up the shipment, we suggest that the Buyer does not accept the shipment. We kindly ask customers to contact us in order to check the condition of the shipment as soon as possible and send a new one.
Upon receipt of the goods, the accuracy check of the order depends on the Buyer, and the Buyer is obliged to compare the received items with the invoice, if something is missing, he is obliged to immediately send a written complaint because subsequent complaints will not be considered.
In the event of a visible defect on the product when picking up the shipment, the Buyer is not obliged to pick up the delivered product, may refuse receipt, and does not bear the cost of delivery of such product.
It is considered that the products which were duly received by the Buyer did not have a visible defect. The buyer has the right to complain in relation to material defects within the deadlines and for reasons prescribed by the provisions of the Law on Obligatory Deadlines.
The buyer can send a written complaint or complaint to the e-mail, by phone to the phone number +385957029603 or in writing to the address: Dumbbell d.o.o. , Stanka Vraza 15, 10370 Brckovljani, Croatia with the indication Complaint.
In order to determine the specific order to which the Customer has an objection as soon as possible , we kindly ask the Customer to state the order number in the complaint.
The buyer has the right to a justified complaint and to return the goods in the following cases:
- delivery of goods not ordered
- delivery of expired goods
- delivery of goods that have a defect or damage that did not occur during transport
If the product has a hidden defect (the defect that could not be detected by the usual inspection when taking over the goods) which the Buyer determines after opening the product – the Buyer has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract and refund, product replacement, defect elimination or price correction.
The seller will consider the complaint valid if the product inspection determines that it meets the conditions for a complaint in accordance with the Civil Obligations Act and the Consumer Protection Act. In this case, we will replace the product or refund the full amount paid upon termination of the contract within 15 days of receiving a valid complaint.
If on the other hand the complaint is not valid, it will be rejected and the Seller will notify the Buyer within 15 days from the day of receipt of the complaint.
The Seller will accept the return of damaged, defective or incorrectly delivered goods at its own expense, if it is determined that the complaint is justified and that the Buyer has not affected the correctness, damage or any defect of the goods.
In the event of a justified complaint, the cost of replacement with a new product will bear entirely the Seller.
In the event that the Buyer decides to replace the correct product, the Seller will make a replacement if the product is undamaged, unused or in any other way not impaired. In that case, the Buyer shall bear the costs of returning and resending the goods.
- delivery of goods that have a defect or damage that did not occur during transport